Tuesday 13 May 2014

ACFA! Working to Boost Agriculture in Edo State

IN every society, the agricultural sector, takes a prominent position in the scheme of things. From providing food for the teeming populace to creating employment for a vast majority of people, agriculture has played and is still playing critical roles to the sustenance of economic and social growth in any society.
Since the creation of Edo State by the then regime of General Ibrahim Babangida out of the former Bendel State in August 27, 1991 and with an estimate 3, 218,332 people, agriculture has been a major source of sustainance.
In Edo State, the climate is mixed with wet and dry seasons, thereby making it conducive for agricultural production. Crops produced in the state include cassava, rice, palm products, cocoa, fruits, groundnuts, plantain, pineapple, yam, vegetables, tomatoes, cashew, rubber, among others. Read More

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